海洋技術を社会実装し、 商業化を実現するためには、社会ニーズを的確に捉え、目指すべき開発システムとその実現に必要な技術開発や法整備などの意思決定に繋げていくことが重要です。 本研究では、メタンハイドレート(MH)開発を例に、 社会情勢の変化と共に変遷するMH開発に期待される役割を把握するとともに、技術革新により 多様化する開発システムや事業コンセプトを検討します。社会と技術のインタラクションを効果的に進めていくため、MH開発に関わる生産量評価や経済性評価などを統合して扱うモデルの構築を進めています。
In order to implement ocean technologies in society and realize their commercialization, it is important to accurately grasp the needs of society and link them to decision-making on the development system to be pursued and the technological and legal development necessary to achieve it.
Taking methane hydrate (MH) development as an example, this study will grasp the roles expected of MH development as it changes with social conditions and examine development systems and business concepts that are diversifying due to technological innovation.
In order to effectively promote interaction between society and technology, we are constructing a model that integrates and handles productivity evaluation and economic evaluation related to MH development.
Suggested reading
- Kenya Suzuki, Ryota Wada, Yoshihiro Konno, Kazuo Hiekata, Takashi Nanjo, Sadao Nagakubo, Impact of epistemic uncertainty on tradeoff in model-based decision support for methane hydrate development system design, Applied Energy, 356, 122408-122408, February 2024
Joint research with
Prof. Ryota WADA (UTokyo)
Prof. Ken TAKAGI (UTokyo)
Prof. Kazuo HIEKATA (UTokyo)
MH21-S 研究開発コンソーシアム / MH21-S R & D consortium